Canvas Conversation: Annie Zigman of Ziggy Stitches
Annie Zigman is the artist and designer behind Ziggy Stitches. She spends her days designing and creating hand-painted needlepoint canvases, and at night she is a professional actor. Her goal is to create playful, modern, and cheeky designs that bring joy to every stitch.
When she is not painting or stitching (which is almost never), you can find her singing show tunes at the top of her lungs, watching Law and Order for the six hundredth time, or sharing a bowl of ice cream with her favorite coworker, Sebastian the cat.
You can follow Annie's needlepoint creations on Instagram here.
We sat down with Annie to ask her 20 questions:
Favorite needlepoint project. One of the first canvases I ever painted for myself is a pillow that says “Sing Pretty”. It’s an inside joke between my Dad and I and it makes me giggle every time I see it.
On your needlepoint Wishlist. Hugs and Kisses in blue and this beautiful Lee’s Needle Arts large floral canvas.
Dream stitching spot. Snuggled up in front of the fire in a luxury winter cabin (you did say “dream”, right?)
13 or 18 Mesh Canvas. 18 all the way!
Last book you read and liked. I’m currently reading “The Royal We” by Heather Cocks and Jessica Morgan. It’s such a light and sweet read which has been a great breather from all the intense historical fiction I usually read!
Favorite flower. Blue hydrangeas and blue roses
Guilty pleasure. Trader Joes pumpkin ice cream
On your nightstand. My book, a candle (currently obsessed with my “Cozy Nights” Opal House candle from target), a large box of tissues, glasses, lip balm, and sometimes my cat
Currently listening to. “That’s Messed Up” an SVU Podcast
Currently watching. Law and Order SVU (for the millionth time) and Bachelor in Paradise
If there were more hours in the day. I would take so many naps!
Favorite places to shop. Target, Lululemon, Trader Joes
Favorite Instagram follows. @therealmariskahargitay @bwaybelters @thehomeedit
Can’t leave the house without. Kissing my cat goodbye (and my keys)
Coffee or tea. If I’m home, then I like to make my own coffee. If I’m out and need to buy a drink, I always choose a chai tea latte.
Favorite holiday to celebrate. Christmas (like the good Jewish girl I am)
Wardrobe staples Sneakers! I will never have too many pairs…
Spirit Animal. A golden retriever. Goldens and I are both very outgoing, playful, and friendly. We also have long hair and shed a ton.
Favorite Color. Blue. Fun story with this simple question: I’m a triplet and when my sisters and I were born, my parents couldn’t tell us apart. So, they painted my big toe blue, Julia’s toe pink, and Lauren’s toe green. We’ve been color-coded ever since and they are still our favorite colors!
Life mantra. You are enough. You are so enough. It is unbelievable how enough you are.
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